Fees for reservie

Community accounts

If you have a community account, you will only be charged a fee when your clients are charge. There are no contracts or monthly subscriptions.


We charge 1.2% (where applicable) on all pay as you go transactions. Dependent upon the account currency and where the resultant fee is less than £0.24, Euro 0.24 or US $0.24, AS0.24, NZ 0.24, 0.24 CHF we will charge the minimum fee of £0.24, Euro 0.24 or US $0.24, AS0.24, NZ 0.24, 0.24 CHF

Subscription accounts

If you have a subscription account, you are charged a fair usage fee per month. Since we need to understand your average transaction usage we request a minimum of 6 months commitment.


For subscriptions accounts please see the following page for further details on pricing.

Darren Cooper