

The policies manager allows you to control your account cancellation policies. The policies apply to all customers when they have paid via:

  1. Passes

  2. Credit / debit card

Each payment type has its own policy enabling you to control whether a client is able to cancel event/class based on the payment method used to book the event/class.

Setting a policy

To set cancellation policies, navigate to Settings -> Cancellation Policies.

The interface allows the cancellation policies to be set for bookings that have been made using either credit cards or passes.

The policies allow the for the following settings to be defined:

  • Enabled / Disabled - if enabled and the customer has booked with the corresponding payment method, then they will be able to cancel their booking if the class is more than the defined set of hours into the future.

  • Defined hours in to the future - how many hour before the class is the cut off time for cancellation.

Darren Cooper