29 ways to practise self-love on Valentine's Day and beyond

What if Valentine’s Day was about you this year? Although we know we first need to love ourselves before we can give to others, it’s easier said than done. With never-ending commitments we often put ourselves last and, as a result, our well-being suffers. Although Valentine’s is centered around couples, whether you’re in a relationship or not, we want to inspire you to prioritise yourself this year and have your best Valentine’s Day. Offering love and kindness to yourself on the day, as well as throughout the year, can be transformational in many ways. So, we’ve collected our favourite ways of practising self-love for you:

  1. Start the day with anything that makes you smile - a cup of tea in bed, morning meditation, gentle stretches... 

  2. Accept the body you see in the mirror. Focus on what you like and accept what you can't change about yourself. Learn to love your body as it is without the urge to make radical changes.

  3. Take time to read and learn something new each day. 

  4. Notice the self-critic inside you and let it be as it is. Notice your thought patterns and challenge the negative story about yourself.

  5. Journal. It doesn’t matter what you write about. Allow yourself to pour your feelings and thoughts onto the page. 

  6. Acknowledge your achievements and celebrate your successes along the way. It’s easy to forget how far you’ve come and to only concentrate on what you haven’t achieved yet. Be proud of every little success.

  7. Practise positive affirmations to boost your mood and self-confidence. Notice the language you’re using towards yourself and actively try to change it to a more positive one. If you can’t think of anything nice, stick to a guided positive affirmation practice online. Even if the affirmations don’t sound convincing at first, keep going with it.

  8. Prioritise sleep. Sleep is the primary factor that can dramatically change the way we feel each day. 

  9. Forgive yourself. Acknowledge you’re human and it’s okay to be imperfect. Choose to work on yourself. 

  10. Drink enough water and drink alcohol in moderation.

  11. Listen to your gut and don’t act against your will. 

  12. Have a bath. Pamper yourself with a mini spa at home. 

  13. Stop comparing yourself to others - compare yourself to the person you were yesterday.

  14. Move your body in any way you like - walk, run, swim, practice yoga...

  15. Learn to say no to things that don’t serve you. Protect your energy above social commitments. 

  16. Practise gratitude. Notice the daily miracles around you.

  17. Be patient with yourself. Whatever big project you’re working through, it will take time.

  18. Protect yourself from people who sap your energy. Be honest with yourself and don’t let toxic people suck the life out of you.

  19. Smile for no reason. To yourself and others. :) 

  20. Nourish your body with food that serves you.

  21. Stop feeling guilty about taking time to rest. Relaxing is essential for increased productivity. 

  22. Live intentionally.

  23. Be your best friend. Treat yourself with the same respect, kindness and mindfulness that you would offer the people who matter most in your life.

  24. Pay attention to your breath, even for a couple of minutes a day. Be present.

  25. Surround yourself with happy people that you love. 

  26. Express yourself creatively. Do what sets your soul on fire.

  27. Try something new that takes you out of your comfort zone. Take the risk!

  28. Commit to self-love long term. It is a lifelong practice, so enjoy the ride. Create your routine and stick to it.

  29. Share your self-love practice with others and get inspired.

We hope you feel a little bit more inspired to practice self-love now, but before you go, we want to leave you with Rumi’s words:

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.

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Martyna Zygaj