Upgrading to schedule v4



A reserVie schedule is a widget that can be placed on a website to automatically generate and display events in a timetable or schedule which can be embedded directly into your website.

This document refers to the schedule versions 4 of the schedules, which are available in reserVie version 1.22.x.x or higher.

Previous versions of the schedule are now deprecated. If you have created a version of the schedule prior to version 1.22.x.x, you will still have access to these. However, older versions of the schedule can no longer be generated for new schedules.

Upgrading schedules

Whilst technically, a schedule can be upgraded, we recommend that you add a new schedule and publish this directly to your website as detailed on the following page:


Limitations with schedule v4

Due to the way that in which the new schedule operates, any explicit terms that we previously added are currently not supported. We are working hard to get these integrated in the very near future.

Darren Cooper